Definition of Malaria mosquito

1. Noun. Transmits the malaria parasite.

Exact synonyms: Malarial Mosquito
Generic synonyms: Mosquito
Group relationships: Anopheles, Genus Anopheles

Definition of Malaria mosquito

1. Noun. Any of the closely-related, malaria spreading mosquitos of the genus ''Anopheles'', especially ''Anopheles gambiae''. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Malaria Mosquito

malar arch
malar bone
malar flush
malar fold
malar foramen
malar lymph node
malar node
malar point
malar process
malaria comatosa
malaria mosquito
malaria mosquitos
malaria parasite
malaria vaccines
malariae malaria
malarial cachexia
malarial crescent
malarial haemoglobinuria
malarial knobs
malarial mosquito
malarial periodicity
malarial pigment
malarial pigment stain

Literary usage of Malaria mosquito

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The Human Body and Health: An Elementary Text-book of Essential Anatomy by Alvin Davison (1908)
"The malaria mosquito may always be recognized by the fact that it has spotted ... Position taken by a common mosquito (Culex) a, and by a malaria mosquito ..."

2. Practical Zoology by Robert William Hegner (1915)
"A, position of malaria mosquito (Anopheles) when at rest. B, position of common house ... A, position of larva of malaria mosquito at surface of water. ..."

3. Privates' Manual by James Alfred Moss (1916)
"13 Catching malaria The malaria mosquito can get the germs any time she bites a ... The malaria mosquito cannot give the germs to another person until they ..."

4. Privates' Manual by James Alfred Moss (1916)
"12 Catching malaria The malaria mosquito can get the germs any time she bites a ... The malaria mosquito cannot give the germs to another person until they ..."

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